With the Fisher, your child can learn how to ride toddler bikes quickly and safely, giving you the ultimate kids bike trainer for any child interested in learning how to ride their first bicycle. Our boy and girls bikes come with durable puncture-proof big wheels, comfortable bicycle trainer handles, and an adjustable bike seat, providing the best toddler learning tool for young bike riders! The unique no pedal design of our girl and boys bikes allow your children to learn at their own pace, giving you a kids bicycle and balance trainer that can easily be used by children as young as 2 years old. The colorful bicycle seat and fun toy balls within the wheels of our girl and boys bikes also makes this a great toddler bicycle to get kids excited about outdoor play and bike riding activities. Whether you need fun kids bikes for beginners or a safe and secure baby bike to help develop motor skills, the Fisher Price Balance Bike has you covered Comes with Matching helmet so you will be learning to balance in style.
- Easy-to-use toddler bike for beginners Comfortable balance bike seat
- Durable puncture-proof wheels Simple and fun kids bicycle for beginners 10" Puncture-proof
- EVA wheels Adjustable bicycle seat Comfortable handles with added grip No pedals of gears, making the bike safe for all experience levels
- Lightweight frame for easy transportation Balls bounce around in wheels as you go Training bike for motor skills, proper balance, and hand-eye coordination Intended for ages 2+ ABS Helmet
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